Chiropractic Care for Pregnancy
Benefits of Chiropractic Care in Pregnancy:
Benefit #1
Prepares the pelvis for an easier pregnancy and birth by creating a state of balance in (1) pelvic bony structures (2) muscles (3) ligaments
Trimester 1 Example: loosey goosey hip/low back discomfort
Trimester 2 Example: rib pain/abdominal spasms /transverse baby position
Trimester 3 Example: acid reflux symptoms / walk / sleep / exercise comfortably
Benefit #2
Chiropractic adjustments of pregnant women in their second trimester helped to relax the pelvic floor muscles.
Benefit #3
Reduces low back, hip, and pelvic pain more than standard obstetric care.
Benefit #4
Reduces muscle imbalances and localized inflammation to remove or decrease conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and sciatica.
Benefit #5
Reduces interference to the mother’s vital nerve system which controls and co-ordinates all of her systems and functions.
Benefit #6
Removes torsion of the ligaments that support the uterus thus potentially reducing aberrant tension to the woman’s uterus.
Benefit #7
By improving maternal function and increase ability to get into an ideal laboring position, we are decreasing the potential for unnecessary intervention.
Benefits for Baby:
Benefit #8
Physical stressors such as muscle spasms or spinal misalignments can impact the mother’s vital organs and endocrine system for better baby development.
Concern Example: Mom's rib misalignments/muscle spasms preventing mom from taking deep breaths / shortness of breath symptoms / inability to exercise
Benefit #9
Pelvic balance allows the baby greater room to develop without restrictions to its forming (1) cranium (2) spine (3) other fetal structures.
Concern Example: Mom's one-sided muscle spasms preventing baby from getting into a midline position on their own / scrunched on one side
Benefit #10
Offers the baby the room to move into the best possible position for birth on their own.
Resource: The Basics of Baby Mapping Method by Spinning Babies
Benefit #11
With proper fetal positioning, there is a significant decrease in dystocia, and the resulting birth trauma caused by intervention.
Resource: Mom alignment helps baby get into fetal engagement on their own
Benefit #12
With vaginal birth, significantly enhances immune function of baby, with decreased likelihood of allergies, diabetes, autoimmune disease, etc.
Benefit #13
Through proper neck and upper back range of motion, the baby is able to breastfeed bilaterally improving baby’s immunity and proper nutrition creating the optimal conditions for baby to thrive.
Benefit #14
Resolution of infantile torticollis with conservative treatment, active stimulation, and passive stretching.
Heidi Haavik, Bernadette A Murphy, Jennifer Kruger "Effect of Spinal Manipulation on Pelvic Floor Functional Changes in Pregnant and Nonpregnant Women: A Preliminary Study" 2016 Jun;39(5):339-347.
The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, “Perinatal Care" by: Jeanne Ohm, D.C., F.I.C.P.A.
Medical Terminology: A Living Language, 5th edition
Birth, Distress and Disease: Placental-Brain Interactions Michael L. Power, Jay Schulkin Pg. 18
“Mothers facing C-sections look to vaginal 'seeding' to boost their babies' health” Aimee Molloy. The Guardian. 2015.
“I had the bacteria in my gut analysed. And this may be the future of medicine” Andrew Anthony The Guardian. 2014.
Cesarean versus Vaginal Delivery: Long term infant outcomes and the Hygiene Hypothesis Josef Neu, MD and Jona Rushing, MD