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Joint pain? Mental fog? Thyroid Issues? Why it Could Be a Gluten Problem...

Writer's picture: Rebekah Bruner, DCRebekah Bruner, DC


Why are gluten problems on the rise?

Two main reasons: hybridization & deamination of gluten

It is not that gluten is genetically modified (the process of inserting or deleting genes). The hybridization (combining different strains of wheat together to create a new protein) is believed to be the culprit of a new type of wheat that is rather immunoreactive to brain and the nervous system tissue.1-3

Gluten is often added to foods for flavoring or thickening/texturizing of foods. The food-processing industry discovered that gluten or gliadin is soluble in alcohol and does not mix with other foods without changing the quality of the food. Gluten deamination is a product of acid or enzymatic treatment of gluten to make gluten a more favorable option for the food industry. Deaminated gliadin is water soluable and mixes well with other foods. The only problem is that processed deaminated gliadin can cause a massive immune response.4


Where does gluten hit hardest?

Ever eaten a whole loaf of bread and your joints hurt the next day or you find you have a string relentless of relentless headaches? Gluten sensitivity reactions do not always play out in the gut. Unfortunately it is quite common to see gluten sensitivity reactions in extraintestinal manifestations: brain, thyroid, joints,5 & the nervous system.6 Some people have noticed walking abnormalities after ingesting gluten-containing products.

Why an upset stomach isn’t always the telltale sign:

In a study of 10 people, complaints included headaches, abnormal walking, and elevated antigliadin antibodies. When put on a gluten-free diet, 7 of the 10 people had a complete resolution of symptoms. Interestingly, only 3 of the 10 people complained of intestinal pain. That means 7 people were intestinal symptomless!7

Gluten allergy or gluten sensitivity?

Is it a gluten allergy or gluten sensitivity? Same thing, right? No.

A gluten allergy or any allergy is an IgE-mediated immune response to an offender and may create anaphylaxis. A gluten sensitivity is an IgA, IgM, IgG response to gluten and does not fit in the category of allergy and is not typically involved in anaphylaxis.

But I got a gluten allergy test & it was negative…


Most conventional allergy tests use skin testing or IgE response testing, which only tests for a gluten IgE response (gluten allergy), not an IgA, IgM, IgG response (gluten sensitivity). This a common explanation for why some people who do not test positive for a gluten allergy, but feel better/ no symptoms when they remove gluten from their diet.

Ok, so I’m just gluten sensitive, why should I care?

A gluten sensitivity is an exaggerated immune response. Think of a gluten sensitivity as your immune system reving up or being on high alert for an attack. One study found that deaminated glutens are not only “new” food compounds but also the major cause of hidden inflammatory responses to food.8 When inflammation occurs over a period of time it gets pumped through the blood to the whole body, creating systemic inflammation. Chronic systemic inflammation can lead to a whole host of problems including autoimmunity. Autoimmunity is where your body doesn’t recognize its own tissue & attacks itself. Yikes!

chronic inflam.gif

How do I find out if I am gluten sensitive?

If you are interested in getting blood work to see if you are gluten sensitive it is important to find a doctor’s office that uses IgA, IgM, or IgG tesing. The latest research shows that there is not just gluten, but over 50 different isotopes for gluten and gluten-like structures.

At Optimized Living Institute, we use Cyrex Laboratories which includes IgA, IgM, IgG in the sensitivity blood work panels. Cyrex offers the most complete and up-to-date testing for gluten and gluten-like structures.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Bruner to find out if you have a gluten sensitivity, please contact Optimized Living Institute at 817.431.9911 or


Dr. Rebekah Bruner is passionate about healthy living and preventative healthcare learning. She enjoys speaking and writing about empowering people to become their own health advocate. Knowledge is power.

Dr. Bruner's post-doctorate training is in functional medicine and neurology. She has received additional certifications in Functional Blood Chemistry, Thyroid, Brain Chemistry, Leaky Gut, & Autoimmunity.

Dr. Bruner's Credentials:

Doctorate of Chiropractic, Parker University

Bachelor of Science in Biology, Centenary College of Louisiana

Bachelor of Science in Health & Wellness, Parker University

Bachelor of Science in Anatomy, Parker University

Want FREE tickets to Gluten Free & Allergen Free Expo in Dallas, Nov. 16 & 17th?

Dr. Rebekah is raffling away FOUR tickets!



  1. Yuan Z, Liu D, Zhang L, et al. Mitotic illegitimate recombination is a machanism for novel changes in high-molecular-weight glutein subunits n wheat-rye hybrids. PLoS One. 2011;6(8):e23511.

  2. Molnar-Lang M, Kruppa K, Cseh A, Busci J, Linc G. Identification and phenotypic description of new wheat: six-rowed winter barley disomic additions. Genome. 2012 Apr;55(4):302-311.

  3. Szakacs E, Molnar-Lang M. Identification of new winter wheat – winter barley addition lines (6HS & 7H) using florescence in situ hybridization and the stability of the whole ‘Martonvasari 9 kr!’-‘Igri’ addition set. Genome. 2010Jan;53(1):35-44.

  4. Leduc V, Moneret-Vautrin DA, Guerin L, Morisset M, Kanny G. Anaphylaxis to wheat isolates: immunochemical study of a case proved by means of double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenge. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2003 Apr;111(4):897-899.

  5. Admou B, Essaadouni L, Krati K, et al. Atypical celiac disease: from recognizing to managing. Gastroenterol Res Pract. 2012;2012:637187

  6. Grossman G. Neurological complications of celiac disease: what is the evidence? Pract Neurol. 2008 Apr;8(2):77-89.

  7. Hadjivassiliou M, Grünewald RA, Lawden M, Davies-Jones GA, Powell T, Smith CM. Headache and CNS white matter abnormalities associated with gluten sensitivity. Neurology. 2001 Feb 13; 56(3):385-388.

  8. Vojdani A, O’Bryan T, Kellermann GH. The immunology of immediate and delayed hypersensitivity reaction to gluten. Eur J Inflam. 2008;6(1):1-10.



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